

Is this Canoeing or Ninja Training?
Natalia makes a new friend.
Jason is ready for a big catch !



Let's catch some frogs.
Look what I made!



SNC Ninjas are keeping camp safe.
Looking good, Ladies...
Learning about Northwoods Critters



Is tonight Shower Night?
Julia loves riflery.
Lumberjacks...GO !



King Julian makes it to SNC
A wonderful day to play in the sand...
An SNC First - opening campfire in the lake.



Do you have a GPS?
Birds of clay flock together.
Annie says: " Hello from camp".



Thank you for the push.
Andrew studies hard for his achievement award.
PIPPI, who is on that shirt?



Camp Friends...
Cook out night is one of the BEST!
Zach got it!



The way we solve issues at camp.
Lucas, you have a Dove of Peace on your head.
A Native Hognose Snake.



Cabin 3 is going on an adventure...
Always Time for GAGA Ball.
Sara's twin brother, our Guest Chef.



Ben serenading his COW.
LOOK, It's the Son of MRS. Potato Head!
Geometry has a new meaning at camp.



Look at the Wild Potatoes we caught.
I think we are ready!



An SNC slip and slide.
Pottery, my favorite.
Nothing better than a windy day...



You can NEVER be too safe.
Taylor is ready for biking in the woods.
Kneeboarding at it's finest.



Planting trees.
Sally provides a nice rest.
I can jump higher.



Brother and sister together at SNC...
International friends...
CLIFFORD ball brings lots of joy.



Creativity waiting to be fired.
Hiking in the mountains.
We shouldn't have sang that "Be a Man" song.



Mustaches hit SNC
Take your aim.
Lookin good, Landen.



CAMP Friends are BEST Friends.
Good times at camp.
Another trip to the Falls.



I caught a BIG Northern.
Helping the DNR with Goose Banding.



Looking for Weevels.
What Kinda bird is this?
Birds of PREY..How Cool



Cabin 1 sticks together.
Making Friends with Nature.
Anyone up for a Game of Pool?



Birthdays at SNC are Special.
Where is that Big Red Ball From?
Let's hit the Trails.



Ladies, What are you Doing?
A deer stoppes by for a snack.
Whats that I SMELL?



Narnia comes to SNC.
Mom Look what I found?
I can Fly!



Camp is all about Giglges.
Where did my body go?
Camp Clowns.



Swift Spirit goes to Julianne.
Now that's what an SNC blanket should look like.
Horses are great FRIENDS.